Developing Cross-linguistic and Cross-cultural Awareness in the Multilingual EFL Classroom
- Fak. 2 - Institut für Sprache & Literatur - Englisch
:Migration processes during the last decades have contributed to increasing multilingualism and to the development of multicultural identities in many countries all over the world, including Germany. This context creates new challenges as well as new pedagogical opportunities for foreign language teachers. Although research has shown that in most cases [vollständig anzeigen]
:01.10.2013 bis 31.12.2017
Prof. Dr.  Cutrim Schmid, Euline (Leitung) []

Studentische Hilfskraft:
Hilal Sahin
Maryam Gharagozlou

Prof. Dr. Euline Cutrim Schmid 06.10.2014
Nina Peltzer 15.02.2023