Supporting young children’s numeracy and enhancing the Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge of teachers via the use of a custom designed mathematics app
Projekt - Fak. 2 - Institut für Mathematik & Informatik - Mathematik
Kurzinhalt:The purpose of this research is to trial the app [Place Value Chart App] designed by Kortenkamp (2012) to measure how it can be used to support the teaching and learning of mathematics in primary schools in Germany and Australia.
Current research conducted in Germany by Ladel and Kortenkamp (2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016) proposes the use of Artifact Centric Activity Theory (ACAT) as a design principle for creating mathematics apps. Likewise, in an Australian context, Larkin has used a range of methodological tools (including Cluster Analysis and Productive Pedagogies) to evaluate the usefulness of Geometry or Number apps (Larkin, 2016; 2017; 2018). Both these lines of research have contributed significantly to the theoretical body of knowledge regarding the potential positive affordances of mathematics apps.
What is missing in both educational contexts is: a) An evaluation of the practical application of the Place Value Chart App in classrooms; and b) An assessment of the usefulness of the ACAT tool in helping classroom teachers evaluate apps; and c) The impact of the app and the tool to direct their teaching practice with resultant improved outcomes for student learning of mathematics. The project will conduct a school trialing in eight schools, four located in Germany (2 in Schwäbisch Gmünd, 2 in Potsdam), and four located in Australia (2 in Brisbane, 2 in Gold Coast). The trials will run all eight places in 2019 with follow-up trials in 2020. The following table lists the 4x2 weeks of personal contact between the Australian and German researchers. This work program is completed by pre-trial electronic exchange and project/experimentation planning and post-trial data analysis and reporting, as well as the preparation of project reports and joint scientific publications aimed at international journals in mathematics education.

Projektdauer:01.11.2018 bis 01.11.2021
Professorin Dr. Ladel, Silke (Leitung) [Profil]

In Zusammenarbeit mit:Universität Postdam, Griffith University Australien
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Angehängte Dateien:
Erfasst von Professorin Dr. Silke Ladel am 28.01.2019
Zuletzt geändert von Nina Peltzer am 15.02.2023